It was a soft brake, what chancellor Angela Merkel today reported to the public. From Monday on germans are not allowed to gather in public. We can still go out, but only alone or with somebody we share our life with. And we have to keep a safe distance of 1,5 meters from each other. Police officers are instructed to have a look on that. Those who won’t pay attention to this take a risk to be fined.
This rule and many others are already in force in some federal states. But from Monday on we have a nationwide uniform regulation how to deal with the corona pandemy. At least more or less. Because some cities like Freiburg have stricter rules. But we will still be allowed to go to work or shopping for food or medicine. This agreement among the 16 federal states avoids a shutdown like in other countries. The federal government and most state governments are still reluctant to take such a measure.
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